

Olá, Olá! Uma vez mais o mundo da Arte funde-se com o mundo da Moda e o resultado é a esperada perfeição. A fusão ocorre em Patsyfox, na pagina da Designer Angie Rehe. Adoro a simplicidade do traço, a pintura em aguarela e as cores batidas e suaves. Adorava aprender estas técnicas e saber trabalhar o meu traço neste sentido! Quem sabe talvez um dia tenha tempo para me dedicar a isso! O que acham vocês deste trabalho magnífico? Bye, Oli
Hello, hello! Once again the world of art merges with the world of fashion and the result is the expected perfection. Fusion occurs in Patsyfox, the page of Designer Angie Rehe. I love the simplicity of the dash, a watercolor painting and the colors with soft beats. I loved to learn these techniques and Know how to work my dash in this sense! Maybe one day I have time to devote myself to Learn! What do you think of this wonderful job? Bye, Oli


  1. Que loucura, adorei!


  2. Now that's something I call talent, very well structured pieces of art. I wish I was as talented as the artist.


    1. I wish to! Amaing Talent! I simple love this work!

  3. Elizabeth Snow1/1/13 01:45

    Fashion illustration doesn't get any better than this beautiful work by Angie Rehe. Thanks for sharing such talent. She has a magnificent eye for detail and the know-how to interpret it through the skillful use of her art tools.

    I've been browsing through Angie's illustrated fashion blog at Patsyfox. She runs drawing courses in Australia (alas they are only on in Melbourne). I wish she would do them online so we could learn from her masterful work in all parts of the world.

    Thanks, Oli. Great blog!


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